ART works
Take advantage of a wide range of talents in our team surrounding Biyoshitsu AKari and our specialties in order to make you the center of attention. Why don’t you hire us to unleash your visual potential and create photography reflecting your impeccable beauty together?
Interested in the hair donation (over 31cm of length)? Not so fast. Before that, PLEASE consider a memorable photoshoot of you in kimono and a geisha hairstyle.
Turn your photoshoot into a surprise event by bringing over someone special. Showing off the process of your transformation is an extra amusement and entertainment!

Tired of Lolita fashion? My suggestion for you is “kimono-blend Lolita”. This new concept is my life-long pursuit and commitment I’ve engaged in. You’re next to TRANSFORM!

Dear Japan-loving foreign residents settled in Japan. Regardless of the COVID-19 outbreak, foreign tourists who visit Nagano city seem to have been increasing. We’d like you to take advantage of this opportunity to wear kimono which is one of the most popular Japanese traditional cultures and enjoy wearing it while the camera is aiming at you. We also cover Suzaka city in which there are numerous cultural heritage sites. Especially being in kimono, you’re going to experience an extraordinary photo shoot in magnificent sceneries created by them.

▶︎ 記念撮影のこんなご相談いただいています
- 伸ばしてきたからこそできる、毛髪の寄付の前の『日本髪撮影』をしたい
- 結婚式で和装をしなかったので、大人になってからの『日本髪撮影』をしたい
- 『日本髪撮影』お支度しているところを母にもう1度みせたい そして紅をさしてもらいたい
- 自宅の着物を処分するまえに、祖母の着た思い出の着物をまとって写真に残したい
▶︎ 着物のいろいろ、ご相談お寄せください
- お手持ちの着物の合わせ方相談
We proffessionally help you choose which Kimono suits you best. - メンテナンスの紹介(クリーニング・和裁士)
We also introduce professionals who maintain Kimono such as Kimono cleaner, Kimono tailor. - レンタル衣装やさんの紹介
We introduce rental customer stores. - 美容室アカリ 着付教室
Kimono-wearing class available at Beauty salon AKari.

I own a Beautysalon AKari.
- A Awesome (すばらしい 最高 超いい)
- K Kicky(わくわく)
- a act(行動)
- r Respect(尊敬)
- i interpret(受けとる 理解する)
I want the customers to go out in special occasions.(Wedding, Funera, Special celebration for kids, Comig-of-age,Graduation.
What I love about Kimono is that it can express a sense of the season.
▶︎ ご相談:お問合せはこちらのフォームからお気軽に
For your inquiry, contact us through the contact form below.
ご相談はお電話 080-3088-7988 下記メールフォーム、公式LINEからお待ちしております。
Feel free to contact me if you need someone who makes your hair ,make up and assists you to wear kimon o.
Your inquiry : ↓ Contact form or LINE